!!PERMANENT RATE BUYDOWN!!NEW CONSTUCTION!!QUALITY CUSTOM HOME!! That is all about peace of mind & surroundings, ideally suited for that homeowner with an eye for quality, function, and efficiency. It's a place to call home that reflects that, with all the convenience (2 min from HEB & minutes to schools) that Seguin has to offer but in a private calm upscale setting that will offer some of the joys found in country living. You'll notice that you're not far off the beaten path as you approach the end of the road & reach the gates of the exclusive 45 homesite community of Oak Creek Subdivision. This unique community has a stocked pond for residents to fish & a pier with a great view of sunsets that adjoins the 15-acre park on the banks of Geronimo Creek. The quality of the keypad stands out and as the gate opens, you'll notice you begin to decompress & blood pressure lowers. 623 Oak Creek Pkwy is a 2994 sqft single story home built to the highest standards, 1st the standard set by its engineering (Rated for 110-mph winds exceeding the 90-mph standard for the area) & the expert execution of that plan by Bandit Homes which is well documented by its Energy Star Rating 56 HERS. Their process really creates peace of mind from lot specific soil samples, & having the foundation inspected by a 3rd party engineer, using top quality construction materials, 3rd party inspections at the pre drywall phase, a Final Quality Assurance inspection, & a stucco inspection with all items corrected. Yet another third-party specialist ensures the integrity of the building envelope & energy efficiency of the entire home that reduces the cost of ownership for the life of the home. None of these things are readily apparent, you won't be able to see the exterior 2x6 framing & open cell spray foam insulation, unless you stick your head up in the attic, but the Bandit process, their documentation & warranty ensure that you will be a highly satisfied homeowner not dealing with any surprises & impressed with the performance & utility bills in any season. All this is situated on over a 1/3 of an Acre lot that maintains a sense of privacy with no direct neighbor in the rear. As you enter this well thought out home, you'll notice the volume of the entry way and gallery with soaring 12- & 13-foot ceilings that lead in from the front door. It keeps a sense of separation and privacy to the adjoining office, utility, and guest bedrooms that are off hallways or alcoves. There is an office at the front of the home that will get fantastic morning sun emphasized with great transom windows. The secondary bedrooms share a jack and jill bath & ample walk-in closets. Across the gallery you'll find another bedroom, full guest bath & utility room with custom cabinetry. The Gallery leads you to the huge heart of the home & open floor plan living, dining, kitchen connected in a room with great natural light and punctuated with a stone veneer fireplace, encased wood beams, waterfalled granite island, tasteful fixtures, a walk-in pantry, and amazing custom cabinetry that can store your kitchen items for all occasions. The kitchen is fantastic with double ovens, soft close cabinets, an undermounted farmhouse sink, pot filler, two great windows flank a large custom vent hood. It has a bonus room connected to enjoy your interests in peace but never disconnected, and the covered back patio with ceiling fan to enjoy the fresh air and a peaceful afternoon shade. The split master retreat at the rear has great windows and high ceilings. In the spa like bathroom, you'll find a soaking tub, large walk-in shower, separate vanities & a powder vanity with custom cabinetry, his & her closets with custom built-ins. This home has an automatic irrigation system and is plumbed for a water softener. Come and see the finest quality new construction offering in the Seguin market, proudly brought to you by Bandit Homes, it has all the bells and whistles, and incentives are being offered.
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Pozemek67 923
Pozemek67 923
Pozemek53 327
Pozemek53 327
Pozemek46 280
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Podrobnosti o nemovitosti
Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
Seznam Kategorie
Na prodej
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
4 lůžka
3 koupele
Dny na místě
21 Dny
Rok postavený
Poplatky HOA
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Číslo MLS
Informace o šarži
Velikost šarže
Architektonický styl/Design
One Story, Traditional
Interiérové prvky
Heat Pump
1 Unit
One Central
Ceiling Fans
Washer Connection
Dryer Connection
Cook Top
Built-In Oven
Self-Cleaning Oven
Microwave Oven
Ice Maker Connection
Vent Fan
Smoke Alarm
Electric Water Heater
Garage Door Opener
Plumb for Water Softener
Smooth Cooktop
Down Draft
Solid Counter Tops
Double Ovens
Custom Cabinets
2+ Water Heater Units
City Garbage service
Exteriérové prvky
Parkovací funkce
Two Car Garage
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623 Oak Creek
Seguin, TX 78155
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